
As with the legacy timeline, werewolves aren't transmittable in the way of like 'The Wolfman' or something. Having the condition be genetic is just makes more sense to me when the content isn't actually horror. If I were using the condition in 'Maho Noir' or something else, I'd be more likely to have it be the curse style lycanthropy... but since ZR isn't a true horror story, I'd rather not have to find ways to hand wave the risks.

Lyn's line about in almost all cases leaves the room for ritual transfer like in the legacy timeline. I'm not sure I'll use it, but the werewolves knowing about it allows for me to not have to retcon it later if it's needed.

New site!

I’ve spent hundreds of hours in November to make a new home for Zombie Roomie.

You’re on the newest, probably fastest version of the site to date. I’m not putting actual ads on the site and trying to keep the site as minimal as possible, but still have the stuff that I enjoy on a website.

I’m still fixing lots of issues like how the chapters and characters pages are pretty much useless– the chapters are in a random order and since I didn’t have thumbnails created for them it’s a bunch of blank squares. The characters are only slightly more useable… they at least give a link to the comics said character are in.

Starting with the reboot comics, strips are now 2000px across (if your resolution permits). If you’re on a smaller monitor or you only use part of one– I frequently do for things on a second monitor so I get it… it’ll scale to the width. If you’re using a really, really small resolution it’ll default to the mobile browser settings.

Oh, mobile browser you ask? Yes, with the reboot and going forward currently, the strips are cut into single panels so you can use mobile browsing for vertical scroll reading.

The legacy comics will be getting the vertical scroll and larger desktop reading treatment, but it takes me between five and ten minutes per comic on average to do the preparation for that… and there are 1562 comics in the archive, including some from ‘Woody After Hours’— I won’t be able to give the ‘Woody After Hours’ strips the same treatment as I don’t have access to high res versions of their strips.

I’m working with a M/W/F update schedule going forward.