I'm glad to finally be able to reveal that John has been a clone ever since the end of the World Tour! Back in 2010 when John was abducted by aliens outside of Area 51... instead of returning him to George and you, the readers-- the aliens gave us a clone! I thought it was a great idea that I freely admit came from the awesome arc in the Amazing Spider-man, where years ago Peter Parker was cloned and it was revealed that the readers could have potentially been following the exploits of the clone all along! People liked it so much in Spider-man, I thought I should do the same thing in ZR~! We'll just need to come up with a cool sounding name for Clone John... Clohn? I dunno. -- Update: Yes, this was an April Fool's gag. I wouldn't do that... the Spider-man arc was really dumb. I just wanted to use the alien guy again. People said he's adorable.