More television than reality – part 1

Welcome back to new comics! I took off a bit of last week to recharge my batteries and figure out what I needed to do to continue the comic. I've been having a bit of writer's block lately where I have the ideas for the plot and what needs to happen in the story, but the jokes that drive each strip to strip have been fighting me. The last time I took a hiatus was when I decided to take back the writing on Zombie Roomie as well as doing the art. So, it's almost poetic that during this hiatus I talked with Bill, my buddy who was writing with me before that hiatus... We're working together again and he's bringing you the jokes. Starting with today's comic Bill is crafting the dialogue and shaping the joke/gag for the strip while I'm doing the plot outlines, laying out the story beats and of course still doing all of the art. -- This week is a week of Hunter strips that help set up major plot points for the comic over the next few months of strips. John and George will have their own sort of hiatus as the major characters are taking a backseat to Hunter and his tv show goings on. Back before John and George were starting their move from the basement to the fifth floor, I had started to have this Hunter storyline start up, but it just didn't feel right and I kept putting it off. But here's all of his previous appearances and mentions in the comic to date: Hunter Tug of war Plumb out of luck So come back Wednesday, because yes there will be a comic!