The Biggest Loser

It's been a while since we've seen Bill. He last showed up in storyline when George and John were planning the World Tour stops. For those folks who haven't gone back to read all of the archives yet, or just forget who he is... He's John’s friend from his college days and a D&D enthusiast, Bill is a reference librarian. He is a bit of a misanthrope, a lover of literature, a staunch grammarian, and not the least bit shy when it comes to sharing his knowledge. His pedantic tendencies are, to John’s amusement, a frequent source of irritation for George. Bill initially was based on an actual friend of mine and he had helped write Zombie Roomie for a while. When I took over all the creative behind the comic again, I kinda stopped using him as I didn't want to use a character that could hurt our actual friendship, but Bill and I have discussed it and I essentially have the rights to use his likeness in perpetuity. So, the character will be making more appearances in the comic as the guys settle into their new apartment and on down the road. The real Bill also helped polish the dialogue in this comic and helped me get to the joke that I wanted, but just didn't initially.