Skip to contentWe're going to finish out the week with Lizzy and Glenda strips. I was going to do what is covered in this strip combined with what we have in tomorrow's but in the end this worked better by itself and tomorrow's strip goes better by itself and it ties directly into Friday. So things worked out by changing the plan. I really like new Lizzy in this strip. New Glenda in panel three is up there with some of my favorite drawings of this design. I'm still fiddling with Glenda but I'm pretty happy with Lizzy. I still occasionally will draw her skinnier than I intend to since I don't have the practice with her at this size, but it's getting better. I also simplified her haircut a little and I think it works just fine. I also made her face a little rounder since I was noticing I do the same jawline for most of the girls in the cast... I'm digging the change.