Au Naturel

Look, I know... John is talking big for someone who literally was hiding behind the door when George showed back up. He's trying to sound romantic and brave-- even he knows he's lying. But he'd like to be telling the truth in this moment. It's why he changes the subject like he does.

I'm glad the next strip finally has a costume change. I'm over drawing John's winter wardrobe...

In other news, I have about the next forty strips for 'Zombie Roomie' written... I just need to draw them. This is a big change for me. At most I used to do a loose outline ahead of time and fashion a strip from a few sentences describing what was supposed to happen. Hopefully, I'd land on a joke or some sort of clever wordplay whilst I was drawing the comic. When I'd struggle, I'd have issues even finishing the comic at all. That led to at least one hiatus, but probably more than I even remember... So, being ahead with the writing to where I'm confident in the joke or wordplay/etc. to where I'm at now is a great thing for the future of less hiatuses. I'm not saying there won't be any-- but hopefully they're planned or there for an emergency. I'm also over a week ahead with strips (at the time of posting) so I have a buffer, which is also good for beating back a hiatus. But if you want to see the strips early, subscribe to my Patreon at a paid level.