
George Agnew is the titular zombie roomie. He's in an "it's complicated" relationship with Zoey. Works as the co-manager of the comics and gaming store "Got Issues?" in the mall.


The main "roomie" for the zombie. John Ericsson is dating Lyn. He works with Jules in a job that nobody really knows what it is that they do.


Zoey McGillicuddy is a goth who works at 'Burning Issue' at the mall. Her family and her have been protecting the world from the inevitable zombie apocalypse by dispatching the zombies as they rise from their graves. In a situationship with George.


Jacquelyn "Lyn" Talbot, is a werewolf who is dating John. She works as a bartender at the bar & grill 'Hair of the Dog' located at the mall. Lyn is also enrolled in college courses with Zoey, Roxy, and others.


Lizzy Moretti is a manager at the movie theatre at the mall. Lizzy is Zoey's best friend and lives with her girlfriend, Glenda, across the hallway from John and George's apartment.


Glenda Burke is a witch who owns and operates "Arcane Attic", an oddities shop in the mall. She is dating Lizzy. They live across the hall from George and John's apartment.


Drew McFadden works at Fivebucks Coffee at the mall. He's John's former roommate. Drew is dating Valerie.


Valerie Greene is a lawyer who works from home. She does most things from home thanks to delivery options. Dating Drew. The couple live above John and George's apartment.


Annie is the co-manager of "Got Issues?" comic book store in the mall. She lives with Trudy. Was a ghost in the legacy timeline.


Jackson "Jack" Russell is a werewolf and Lyn's brother. Works in a bar in the Gay Village. He's married to Jules.


Jules Russell works with John. He's married to Jack.


George's "plant".


Felicity Wickersham was a zombie activist who decided she knew better... and got turned into a zombie. In the current timeline, she's a member of the cast of 'Dam It!'.

Jack Sr.

Jackson Talbot, Sr. is Jack and Lyn's dad. He's a police officer.


Filys Talbot, wife of Jack Sr.. Mother of Lyn, Jack Jr.,


Ashlyn "Ash" Chaney is a werewolf and cousin to the Talbots.



Meela Mendez is a werewolf, but not related to the Talbots. She works at the pet store in the mall. She attends college classes with Zoey, Roxy, and Lyn.


Larry "Gramps" Chaney is Jack and Lyn's grandfather, on their mother's side. He's a werewolf and pack alpha of the local pack. He lives on the familial estate located within a wolf sanctuary. He's married to "Grams".


Roxanne "Roxy" Baptiste works at "Burning Issue" with Zoey at the mall. She's also Zoey's roommate.


General Michaels


Grand Tinker Belle, or "Tink"


Ted Cohen was a rebound boyfriend of Zoey's. Worked at Fivebucks under Drew. In the rebooted timeline, he's now a member of 'Dam It!' cast.


Harvey Griffin, also known by the gamertag White_Rabit86. He was a drone pilot in the armed forces only to volunteer for a secret, classified project where he became an invisible soldier. He went on the run, but he wasn't seen from again. Had dated Lizzy for awhile before she realized she wasn't straight.


Owner of the comics and gaming store "Got Issues?" at the mall. George and Annie's boss.


Santa Claus. Renowned toymaker. Brings presents to children all over the world at Christmas. Has a beef with George.


Ringo is one of Santa's reindeer. They joined the team after Blitzen's third stint in rehab.



Zane McGillicuddy is Zoey and Zack's father. He runs the McGillicuddy Mortuary and hunts zombies... although nowadays he spends most of his hunting time preparing Zoey instead of being in the field.


Zelda McGillicuddy is Zoey's mom. She's married to Zane and also mother to Zack.


Zack McGillicuddy is Zoey's younger brother. He's a multiple sport varsity player at his high school. He's expected to continue the "family business" as Zoey has.


Zoey's Grandma, "Granny" McGillicuddy is the family's matriarch. She's Zoey's namesake, as well.