I'm looking back at this post hours after it went up and noticing the text I had typed for this spot isn't here anymore... I guess it didn't save or something...
Jack Sr. was never shown in human form during the legacy timeline. I was going to have him in a photo Lyn and Jack were looking at, but I balked and just did a version without his grey hair.
I was trying to come up with a new look for him for the reboot and I played with several designs, but decided I needed to look at where his life is now versus where it was in the legacy timeline. In the legacy, he was a single dad whose wife died giving birth to his son. All while he was a police officer... so he was super stressed... The grey all over hair was due to that stress... also me being in my early 30s when I created the character... Now that I'm closer to his current age I'm seeing what I should change for the guy. So giving him the "cop hair" felt right but letting him keep color in his hair, just more desaturated to show the presence of greys seeping in without me painting in grey strands.
I was also going to give him a joke apron with "Bone Appétit" on it written inside of a bone shape... but the panel's composition was already super full. Adding in the words there, too, was going to be a bit more than the panel could hold without being just noise.