Beefcake booboo

Continuing the trend of using the guys moving as an excuse to bring back members of the supporting cast, today's strip has the return of Francis Nathan Stein. I've wanted to bring back the Jewish monster for a while, but I wanted him to have a brand new look before I did. The reasoning behind it was that I had some skinny guys, hell I have some chubby guys... I just didn't really have a real buff dude in the cast (Hunter the Zombie Hunter is kinda muscled, but Francis beats him hands down now). Since I had the idea that I wanted to bring him back as a heavily muscled guy... I had to figure out the right way to introduce that idea to the comic. This short arc within the moving plot of many of the cast being out of shape, which started yesterday with Bill, was the perfect excuse for me. The last time Francis appeared in storyline was back on February 28, 2010, although he did show up later in one of the "A Zombie's Survival Guide" strips, but those aren't officially part of the plot. I had the idea of having him at the apartment with Jack in the strip where John tries to stay the night on their "sofa", but in the end I thought it would be strange for him to be muscled and not have it explained so he was absent (Francis and Jack are roommates).