I know we just found out about the BraiNOz, but I want to move along as I've got other things I want to do strips about. We'll get back to this stuff later after we've checked in with Zoey, Lyn, and Lizzy. Speaking of Lizzy, we've got a Lizzy centric story arc coming up that will be starting on Friday. I'm pretty jazzed for it as of the girls, we know the least about her. She's always just been the girl that someone lives with... I want to get beyond that a little. We're also done with dildos for a long, long while. I don't know why they were brought into the arc in the first place, it was just something that I thought was funny while coming up with a strip. I kept going back to that well over the course of the arc-- so I decided it was only appropriate to finish with it. Also, I know that Mythbusters weighed in on the Banana in the tailpipe routine, but I've always found it funny and let's just say it works in comics...